704.444.0888 Dianalg@gmail.com
Through the blog and speaking engagements I equip my audiences so they can…

Diana Speaking

  • Conquer worry and fear to live as overcomers
  • Turn painful pasts into ministry opportunities
  • Discover and embrace their God – given purpose
  • Overcome unforgiveness and develop meaningful relationships
  • Experience the blessings a vibrant relationship with God brings

Explore and connect with me here and in person.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Know that you are loved,


Consider Diana for your next event

With 20+ years of experience teaching, speaking and coaching, Diana Asaad, offers a compilation of vital information for spiritual growth and discovering your passion and purpose in life.

Helping women to:

  • Connect the wisdom and guidance of God’s Word to your daily life decisions
  • Find relevance for life in your relationship with God
  • Recognize and live in the lavish abundance of God’s limitless grace
  • Build a faith that will withstand difficulty, persecution and even success
  • Develop the audacity to follow God even when it means taking a risk
  • Gain satisfaction and joy through a more intimate relationship with God

Diana’s varied experience includes:

  • Retreats and conferences
  • Banquets and special events
  • Workshops and breakout sessions
  • Training events

It’s not easy finding the right speaker. As a former women’s ministry leader and now Christian coach, I’ve seen first hand the difference between those who know how to speak and those who truly understand the art of it.

Of course, you already know this. You can spend months planning, promoting your event, but if the speaker and her message don’t connect with the heart of your audience, they may never come back. You can’t afford to have that happen.

As a speaker, my goal is to do everything I can to make your event a success. And, as someone who has been in your shoes, my goal is to partner with you to help you meet the goals of your event. If you have any questions, please let us know.

With deep gratitude I want to thank you for your consideration. It’s truly an honor.

Interested in having Diana speak at your next’s women’s event? Contact her for more information.

 Statement of Faith

A few of Diana’s speaking topics are below. However, you are not limited to this list! She wants to meet the needs of your specific group. Contact her about how she can help you minister to the women of your church or community.

Some of Diana’s Popular Topics

Discover, Develop & Deploy Your Unique Genius:

The world is waiting for your unique talent. In this cornerstone teaching, Diana helps the audience to discover the special gift that is within each of us. Then develop a plan to deploy and use those gifts for His glory. God created us for relationship with Himself, and He wants us to Serve Him On Purpose. Audiences will… Learn how to discover their spiritual gifts so they can experience the fulfillment that comes from using them. Be motivated to make friendship with Jesus a priority. Learn to overcome worry and, instead, trust their lives and loved ones into the Creator’s care.

Americas’ Idols: Slaughtering our Modern Sacred Cows

Do you feel as though your calendar rules your life? We don’t have to be slaves to the busy lifestyle our culture worships. From Scripture, Diana will show you the difference between a busy life and the “full” life God promises us. With practical guidance and personal experience, Diana will help you break the cycle of “busy” and find God’s purposes for you and your family. This topic can be presented as a 30-45 minute talk or given as a hands-on, 60-minute workshop.

Fed Up with Flat Faith

Desperate. Tired. Dry. Flat. Do those words describe your faith when what you really want is fiery, passionate, connected faith? Diana will help you discover how to prepare your heart and life for the work God wants to do. Based on her own life experience, Diana shares foundational spiritual truths and practical faith principles to help you shift your attitude and behavior so God can PUMP-UP your FLAT faith. This topic works well for a 3-4 session retreat. High-heeled shoes can be used for a fun, decorating theme! Seven Secrets to Keep Love Alive… Ideal for a couples’ night out. Hubby joins me for this presentation. We share lots of practical tips and personal anecdotes, some learned the hard way. Audiences learn to… Identify and appreciate the differences between men and women and more specifically, between them and their spouse. Identify and speak each other’s love language. Practice the principle of honor—the key to having meaningful relationships.

Lavish Grace

God doesn’t merely give us enough grace. He lavishes it on us with abundance! God gives us more grace than we need to not only survive life’s difficulties, but to thrive through it all. Diana will help you discover God’s overflowing grace in your every day life and will challenge you to extend grace to those around you. “Lavish Grace” can be adapted for a one, two, or three-session format. Perfect topic for a retreat setting.

Faith and Friendship: Creating the Relationships You Crave

Although opportunities for connection abound as never before, the latest statistics show loneliness is on a steep climb. We crave relationship filled with meaning and depth, but social media and cell phones aren’t cutting it. Relationships don’t just happen; they require desire, intentionality and good old-fashioned hard work. Learn the skills necessary to build the relationships you long for. Tips for the Lips Are our lips an asset, or do they need a makeover? Using biblical teaching and relevant anecdotes, this session helps women to: Discover the joy that comes from expressing words of thanksgiving even when they don’t feel like it. Refuse the temptation to gossip and instead, speak words that build unity among family members and fellow employees. Inspire hope in those who are feeling downcast by sharing words of encouragement. Fearless Faith Helps women identify their fears and gives them biblical teaching and practical strategies for overcoming them. Audiences learn how to: Face life’s storms with an attitude of anticipation and worship rather than dread Rise above the fear of inadequacy to embrace new opportunities and pursue God-given dreams Conquer guilt and the fear of rejection, turning past failures and disappointments into opportunities for growth and ministry SOAR! This package focuses on Isaiah 40:28-31. The word “SOAR” is an acronym that’s stressed throughout the weekend. Attendees will… Discover four qualities of a woman who “soars” and learn how to develop them personally. (Strong, Obedient, Alert, Risk-Taking) Identify six contributing factors to weariness and learn practical strategies for overcoming them. Learn what it means to wait on the Lord and how doing so ensures the fulfillment of our God-given purpose. Discover truths about God’s strength and how He honors those who acknowledge their need for Him. How Esther’s life demonstrated these qualities. How to develop these characteristics in their own lives. I share anecdotes from my own life to show audiences how to make the application personal. This package can be adapted for a single presentation as well as 3-5 sessions for a retreat or conference. Passport to Freedom This travel theme makes decorating fun! Attendees will… Learn how to navigate and appreciate, rather than fear, the detours and storms along our life’s journey. Make the most of their journey by recognizing the unique strengths they bring to fellow travelers. Enjoy the freedom that comes from leaving excess baggage behind. Commit their well-being to a Pilot who’s wise and trustworthy. Beautiful You! (Mother-Daughter Retreat) This interactive package reminds moms and daughters of the qualities God considers lovely and shows how to model them. Audiences learn to: Identify and overcome the fear of inadequacy and discover their God-given potential. Focus on developing godly character qualities such as integrity and purity rather than on succumbing to society’s values that say the opposite. Discover the adventure of pursuing God’s unique purpose for their lives rather than trying to fit into the mold of others’ expectations. Leadership by God’s Design This 3-session package is designed for women in leadership positions—Sunday school teachers, pastors’ wives, non-profit and para-church organization staff, and more. Audiences learn to… Identify reasons for discouragement and develop strategies for overcoming them. Identify misperceptions about leadership and replace them with Biblical teaching. Focus their efforts by developing a mission statement.         Bonus session: Leading From Home: Being a mother can be the best job in the world. And the most difficult. Whether you’re a mom, an expectant mother or woman with a heart to influence, you’ll be inspired to make a difference—right where you are. Mining Your Life for Story: One of the biggest challenges for writers and speakers is finding the right illustration for a presentation. But we don’t fully appreciate the goldmine hidden in ordinary, every day life. In all the activity, all the searching for a grand plot to live out, we often miss the exquisite narratives we lived just yesterday. As communicators, we must become skilled archaeologists able to unearth buried gems and give them shine. Whether you’re a blogger, book writer or public speaker, learn how to capture and craft the powerful stories right in front of you.

Communicating with Impact:

Whether addressing your team, writing an article or speaking from a stage, communication is essential for leaders. But knowing what to say and the best way to say it can be a huge challenge. How do you craft a fresh message that encourages, challenges and inspires? How do you communicate in such a way that your audience remembers it the next day or even the next week? How do you meet real needs in a tangible way when all you can think about is your nerves and knocking knees? It all comes down to three essentials, the anchors of your message. Master these, and each presentation becomes a powerhouse of opportunity to influence. Even better, you’ll also decrease your presentation prep time, increase the clarity of your message, and boost your confidence on stage. It doesn’t get any more fun than that. These topics can be up to three sessions, ideal for a weekend retreat or conference, 60-minute Workshops Perfect for Conferences, Leadership Training, or Retreat Breakouts, Retreat Package I ensure my presentations are applicable to diverse audiences (a wide age range, marrieds, singles, cross-cultural), and I’m experienced at speaking through translators.

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