704.444.0888 Dianalg@gmail.com


A frequently asked question is, “When and how did you start writing?”


And there is no simple answer… but I will attempt. As long as I can remember, I have been the girl with the notebooks.  I have always written; every opportunity to learn or reflect was an opportunity for me to write. Someone once asked me what I’d like to do with my life. I thought about my answer and then journaled a list—“Serve God. Get married and have a family. Be a writer. Inspire and help others.”


Be a writer? I wasn’t sure where that thought originated or what it meant, but it sounded exciting so I tucked it neatly in my heart.

There it stayed for a long time, while life happened.


I married, went into ministry with my husband, began a career in real estate, and became a mother of three. Life consumed me, especially when one of my children suddenly fell ill and triggered a downward spiral of debt, hospital visits, and uncertainty.


During this time, however, my desire to write began to grow. And as it did, I prayed, “God, is this desire from You? If so, show me when it’s time to start and what You want me to write about.”


He answered my prayer. My small group leader and mentor began encouraging me in unexpected ways, seeing things in me that I never dreamed possible. Through her guidance and nudging she encouraged me to take risks for God. And that began my speaking career. I began writing Bible studies and attending a local Christian Writer’s group, Word Weavers, in 2008 and things began to blossom from there.


Please check back often for the release of my new book and subscribe for updates and new blog posts.

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